Wu Qing

Co-founder and Board member, Beijing Changping Practical Skills Training Center for Rural Women

Qing Wu is Member of the Board of Beijing Changping Practical Skills Training Center for Rural Women. Quing was a teacher at Beijing Foreign Studies University; a visiting scholar at MIT, US; and a Fulbright Scholar. Quig served seven terms as People's Deputy, Haidian District People's Congress and four terms as People's Deputy, Beijing Municipal People's Congress. She is Adviser, Vice-President, President and Board Member, Women's World Summit Foundation; Member, External Gender Forum, Asian Development Bank; Member of the Board, Gender Action; and, Member of the Board, Center for Asia-Pacific Women in Politics. Quig is the recipient of: Ramon Magsaysay Award for Public Service (2001) and Canadian Governor General's Medallion for Women's Rights (2013).





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