Qiao Baoping

Digital Member

Master’s in Economics, Nankai University. Formerly: Chairman, China Guodian; Executive Vice-President, China Power Investment Corporation; with the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Central Enterprise Working Committee and China's Communist Youth League. Currently, Chairman, China Energy Investment Corporation (China Energy); China Energy is actively promoting clean coal production and use, developing new energy and renewable energy, and striving to build up a world-class integrated energy group with global competitiveness. China Energy’s total assets exceed $281 billion (RMB1,800 billion). It has 8 R&D institutes and 6 S&T enterprises. It is the world largest coal producer, with 99 coal mines and 676 million tonnes annual production capacity. It is the world largest thermal power producer, with a total installed capacity of 230 GW, including 175 GW in thermal and 76% of which is ultra-low emission clean generation units. It is the world’s largest renewable energy power operator with 35,890 MW of installed wind power capacity. China Energy is also the largest coal-to-oil and coal-to-chemical company. Representative of the 18th CPC National Congress; Chairman, China GD Power Development and China Longyuan Power. Chairman, China Environment and Energy Commission, International Chamber of Commerce; Vice-Chairman, APEC China Industry and Commerce Council.



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