Paul Okumu

Head, Secretariat, AfricaPlatform (ACP)

Paul serves as Head of Secretariat for the Africa Platform- an Organization working on the Social Contract and State-Society Relations.Paul has over twenty years of Senior and Top Level Strategic Dialogue, Engagement and Advocacy on Rebuilding the Social Contract and State-Society Relations with Politicians, Governments, United Nations and Other Intergovernmental Bodies, Businesses and Development Actors in 27 Countries across Africa with the primary goal of creating space for society to drive their Development Governance and Economic Agenda.
Continuously and Consistently engaged in Four Specific areas of the Social Contract- Connecting Societies, Connecting Society with their Governments, Connecting Society with Businesses, Connecting Society with International Development Actors.I work to strengthen African Government's international bargaining power, and ensure political and development models do not cause harm to Society and citizens.
Under the Africa Platform Paul works with National and Global Businesses to ensure Responsible Profitability that is Non extractive from, and Responsive to, society, and which creates wealth beyond Shareholder value. He is engaged in and exceptionally networked across Africa, including in Liberia, DRC, Sierra Leone,South Sudan, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Somalia, Ethiopia, Uganda, South Africa, Egypt, and with Intergovernmental institutions including UN Agencies, UN Security Council and UN Member States in New York , Donor Groups, East Africa Legislative Assembly, Africa Union, East Africa Community-all with one purpose- to put society interests at the heart of Governance, Development and the Economy.
Successfully initiated and ensured policy and strategic shifts within World Bank, United Nations System, (Developmemnt Assistance Commitee-DAC and OECD Countries, in favour of African Governments and citizens. I work through extensive writings, speaking engagements, facilitated dialogue and direct work with change makers to make Africa governments and Africa Businesses drive citizen development.
At Diplomatic levels Paul has directly shaped at least Three Global and four Regional Policies and Political processes that have transformed Africa by demonstrating the outcomes of Responsible Development Policies. At advocacy levels he has mobilized Society to challenge attempts by Governments and Donors to bypass popular society agenda, defended Africans before Presidents, Ministers and holders of Economic powers, while quietly negotiating with difficult leaders, especially in Africa.
Paul is a Steering Group Member of the Global Civic Charter and Member of the UNDP Program Advisory Board for Africa as well as an Advisory Board Member of the German Government Initiative on Global Implementation of Sustainable Development-Partners for Review (P4R)
On the Social Contract and State Society Relations Paul is a Founder Africans Rising, a continental initiative of Africans working to present alternative options to Governance and Development in Africa, while providing a new pathway to Africa's growth away from the GDP-only growth paradigm. On the Global Civic Charter, he is part of the leadership of an initiative of Global Civil Society working to reclaim right, freedoms and responsibilities of citizens. On Private Sector and the Social Contract Paul engages with businesses and corporations on values, ethics and principles that offer private sector alternatives to the increasingly extractive nature of some businesses in Africa. On Development as Politics he works to present development solutions that strengthen citizen confidence in themselves and their governments, as well as allowing them space to develop their economic power by being in charge of their resources. On Global Policy on Development as Politics he coordinates various initiatives across Africa that ensure Global Policies do not undermine national interests and agendas of nations across Africa. He was among the small team that provided support to African Governments during the development of the Africa Common Position on Post-2015, the intergovernmental processes on Agenda 2030 and the integration of Agenda 2030 with Africa Union Vision 2063.
Previously Paul served on the Global UNDP Civil Society Advisory Committee (CSAC) and the Steering Committee of the International Dialogue on Peace Building and State Building (IDPS)
Paul studied at the University of Nairobi in Kenya and continues to study in key areas of his work and life.



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