Max Vieille

Global Director, Response Innovation Lab

Max currently leads the global Response Innovation Lab initiative, a collaboration of leading humanitarian NGOs that operates a network of field-based innovation support platforms. Prior to helping found RIL, he worked in various capacities for a number of humanitarian and development organizations and projects, including AIDSRelief, UNICEF and Save the Children, with extensive experience in the Caribbean and East & Southern Africa. His areas of expertise include humanitarian response management, M&E, strategic planning, Disaster Risk Reduction and information systems. Max holds degrees from the University of the South (USA), the Australian National University and the University of Westminster (UK). His professional interests include humanitarian reform, social entrepreneurship in the Global South and bridging the digital divide for vulnerable populations. If you are looking for casual conversation, Max is always happy to talk about any kind of football, music from Africa or the American South and where to get a good meal in this town.



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