1976, BA in Economics and 1984, MA in Economics, University of Dar es Salaam; 2004, PhD, Washington International University. 1976-81, Assistant Operation Officer then Project Officer, NDC; 1981-84, Planning Officer, Morogoro Shoe Company and Marketing Officer, Morogoro Tanneries; 1984-86, Planning and Commercial Manager and 1986-94, General Manager, Leather Goods Factory, Morogoro; 1994-95, Senior Consultant, Presidential Parastatal Reform Commission; 1995-2000, Member of Parliament and Minister for Community Development, Women Affairs and Children; 2000-05, Member of Parliament and Minister of State, President's Office, Public Service Management; since 2005, Member of Parliament, Hanang Constituency; 2006-07, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs; since 2007, current position.