Lara Setrakian

President, The Applied Policy Research Institute of Armenia

Lara Setrakian is an Impact Partner at Fresco Capital and the Co-Founder of News Deeply, a new media company working to advancing coverage of complex global issues. Setrakian spent more than five years as a foreign correspondent, covering the Middle East for television, radio and digital platforms, for ABC News, Bloomberg Television, the International Herald Tribune and Monocle Magazine. She has since focused on the fusion of news and technology. Her first platform, Syria Deeply, launched in December 2012 to wide acclaim. TIME Magazine dubbed Syria Deeply “The Future of News”, Fast Company named her to its list of the “100 Most Creative People in Business”, while Inc Magazine called her one of "8 Women Who Could Own the Future". Setrakian was widely acclaimed for her ground-breaking use of social media in reporting on Iran's 2009 election protests and the Arab Awakening of 2011. She was named a Life Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and an inaugural fellow of the Peter Jennings Project at the National Constitution Center.



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