Kala Mulqueeny

Senior Adviser, Ocean Geographic

Kala Mulqueeny is an environmental lawyer and policy specialist. She is currently Senior Advisor at the Ocean Geographic Society. Previously, she led the Law, Justice and Development Programme. at the Asian Development Bank (ABD). Kala also initiated and chaired the Asia-Pacific Dialogue on Clean Energy Governance and Regulation, the creation of the ASEAN Energy Regulators' Network, the Asian Judges Network on Environment and the ASEAN Chief Justice's Roundtable. After the 2004 Asian tsunami, she led work in Sri Lanka to implement a legal aid and governance project that has directly helped about 100,000 people. Kala was recognized as an Asia 21 Young Leader of the Asia Society and a Yale World Fellow. She taught at the Hong Kong University, the University of the Philippines, and the Law College of the Australian National University. Australasian Legal Business: Legal News named her one of the Top 40 Lawyers in 2010. Kala is on the WWF - Phippines Advisory Council. She has a Doctorate from Harvard Law School, and a Masters in Environmental Law from Sydney university. She was a University Medalist at Qld University.



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