Jun Rekimoto

Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo

1984, BSc, 1986, MSc and 1996, PhD in Information Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Since 1994, with Sony Computer Science Laboratories (Sony CSL). 1999, formed and directed the Interaction Laboratory within Sony CSL. Since 2007, Professor, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, University of Tokyo. Since 2011, Deputy Director, Sony CSL. Member, ACM SIGCHI Academy. Research interests include human-computer interaction, computer augmented environments and human-augmentation (human-computer integration). Invented various innovative interactive systems, including NaviCam (the world's first hand-held AR system), CyberCode (the world’s first marker-based AR system), Augmented Surfaces, HoloWall, and SmartSkin (two earliest representations of multi-touch systems). Has published more than a hundred articles in the area of human-computer interactions, including ACM SIGCHI, and UIST. Received the Multi-Media Grand Prix Technology Award, Multi-Media Contents Association Japan (1998); iF Interaction Design Award (2000); Japan Inter-Design Award (2003); iF Communication Design Award (2005); Good Design Best 100 Award (2012); Japan Society for Software Science and Technology Fundamental Research Award (2012); ACM UIST Lasting Impact Award, Zoom Japon Les 50 qui font le Japon de demain (2013).





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