Jon Leibowitz

Partner, Davis Polk

1980, BA in American History, University of Wisconsin; 1984, graduate, New York University School of Law. Member, District of Columbia Bar. 1984-86, attorney in private practice, Washington. 1986-87, worked for US Senator. 1989-2000, Chief Counsel to US Senator. Chief Counsel and Staff Director: 1991-94, Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice; 1995-96, Senate Subcommittee on Terrorism and Technology. 1997-2000, Democratic Chief Counsel and Staff Director, US Senate Antitrust Subcommittee, focused on competition policy and telecommunications. 2000-04, Vice-President for Congressional Affairs, Motion Picture Association of America. With Federal Trade Commission: 2004, Commissioner; since March 2009, Chairman. Co-authored amicus briefs before the US Supreme Court, including on gun control and census.



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