Jesse Jenkins

Graduate Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Jesse holds a MS in Technology & Policy from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he is a PhD candidate in Engineering Systems at the Institute for Data, Systems and Society and a researcher with the MIT Energy Initiative. Jesse studies electric power sector operations, regulation, and economics with a focus on two overarching trends transforming the electricity sector: the transition to zero carbon power systems and the proliferation of distributed energy resources. He is currently extending electricity resource capacity expansion methods to study the economics of distributed energy resources, exploring electricity market design challenges in zero-carbon power systems, and researching welfare-improving strategies for carbon pricing under political economy constraints. He has published peer-reviewed papers in The Energy Journal, Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, Applied Energy, Energy Policy, and WIREs: Climate Change and been awarded fellowships from the National Science Foundation, the MIT Energy Initiative, and Martin Family Society for Fellows in Sustainability.



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