Hyun-gu Cho

Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Classting Inc.

Hyungu Cho is a South Korean entrepreneur who founded Classting, an AI-powered Learning Management System (LMS). Classting is a platform designed to improve and streamline the educational experience for both students and teachers by incorporating artificial intelligence, data analysis, and various other advanced technologies.

The platform offers features such as personalized learning, real-time feedback, data-driven insights, and seamless communication between students, teachers, and parents. By integrating AI algorithms and machine learning, Classting can adapt to individual students' learning styles, strengths, and weaknesses, allowing for a more tailored and efficient educational experience.

Hyungu Cho's vision for Classting was to create a platform that could bridge the gap between traditional classroom settings and the rapidly evolving digital landscape. His innovative approach to education has garnered significant attention and praise, making Classting one of the leading LMS platforms in South Korea and beyond.





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