Specialist in development finance with focus on reforming the role of multilateral development banks (MDBs) to better serve an evolving world economy. Engaged in high-level strategic consultancies with African Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, New Development Bank, Inter-governmental Group of G24, Global Green Growth Institute and Overseas Development Institute. Formerly operations staff at the World Bank’s Latin America division (2002-2007), and previously a financial journalist based in Mexico City (1995-2000). Currently working as senior scientist at the Swiss Institute of Technology (ETH) Center for Development and Cooperation (NADEL). Main research project examines the changing face of development finance in Africa. Other research projects consider different aspects of MDB financial policies and their relationship to shareholder interests, interactions between MDBs and capital markets and techniques to increase MDB infrastructure financing. PhD London School of Economics (2013), MA Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (2001) and BA Reed College (1991).