Boris Titov

1983, degree in International Trade, Moscow State University for International Relations (MGIMO). 1983-89, with Soyuznefteeksport (Nafta, Moscow). 1989, during “perestroika”, left the state company for Soviet–Dutch joint venture Urals. 1991, started own business in London and Chief Executive Officer, Solvalub (SVL) Group. 2001, SVL formed JV with Gazprom to create agrochemical corporation Azot. 2000-05, Vice-President, Member of the Executive Board, and 2001, Head, Ethical Commission, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP). 2004, Chairman, Business Russia. 2004, took control over Abrau-Durso. 2008, sold fertilizer and chemical business. Since 2010, Chairman of the Board, Russian Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers. 2012, appointed Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs’ Rights. Since 2007, Chairman, Stolypin Club. February 2016, Chairman, Party of Growth political party. November 2017, declared that he would run for President in 2018. The main purpose of participation in the election was to promote the party's Growth Strategy economic programme, which was prepared by the Stolypin Club and presented to President Vladimir Putin in May 2017. During the presidential campaign 2018, travelled around the country to promote the programme. Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honour, France (2015).



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