Birama Konaré

Alumni, Global Shapers Community

Bachelor's in Communication and Media Studies; Master's in Communication and Visual Arts; Managing Director, Binthily Communication. Secretary-General, Association de la Jeunesse Révolutionnaire Africaine, whose goals are to help responsible, united and honest young African leaders emerge. Through the association, promotes a society based on equality when it comes to housing, education, health and justice. Responsible for Regulation, Groupement Professionnel des Agences de Communication du Mali. Global Shaper and past Co-Chair of the Global Shapers Alumni Advisory Councils. Author of three books: Koulouba, la Colline sur la Tête (2003); Les marguerites ne poussent pas dans le désert (2010); l'Afrique Plumée, Chronique d'un Continent en Détresse (2013). Columnist, Les Echos newspaper. Frequently interviewed on television and radio on media issues and young entrepreneurship.
Owner of Joliba FM, Joliba TV News, Espace Culturel La Gare and La Pirogue restaurant.





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