Anielle Franco

Minister of Racial Equality of Brazil, Ministry of Racial Equality of Brazil

Anielle Franco is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She was born and raised in Favela da Maré.

She has a bachelor's degree in Journalism and English from North Carolina Central University and a bachelor's and a license degree in English literature from the State University of Rio de Janeiro. She has a master's degree in Journalism, English, and Ethnic-Racial Relations from Florida A&M University and CEFET-RJ, and she is currently a Ph.D. student at the Federal University in Rio de Janeiro Applied Linguistics.

Anielle has published two books about her sister, "Letter to Marielle" and "My sister and I," and has participated in many other books, including the Brazilian edition of Angela Davis' autobiography. She is the Minister of Racial Equality in Brazil and the former Executive Director of the Marielle Franco Institute.

On the frontline of the fight for justice and a legacy for her sister Marielle Franco, Anielle uses her voice to inspire other women, girls, and poor black people in Brazil and around the world to keep moving society's structures.



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