今年1月,世界经济论坛发布的《2024年全球风险报告》显示,在全球权力态势、气候、技术和人口发生系统性变化的背景下,全球风险正在将地球适应能力推向极限。然而在各种分裂、冲突、斗争之上,人类依然共享一个相同的愿景,即幸福快乐。基于这一共同的目标,我们才有可能通过合作共赢,提高公众意识、创造新的商业模式、缔结新的社会契约。而占据全球70% GDP的家族企业,将无疑肩负起引领可...
TPC (Tsao Pao Chee) Group is evolving to steward the new era of a moral market economy. Focused on well-being and happiness, this new era will be guided by a social contract focused on the flourishing of life. It will integrate a fresh appreciation of the impact of business, as motivated by enlightened stewards invested in co-creating a more sustainable and responsible world.