Samuel Bowles

Research Professor and Director of the Behavioral Sciences Program, Santa Fe Institute

Samuel Bowles (PhD Economics, Harvard) is at the Santa Fe Institute. He recently published The Moral Economy: Why good incentives are no substitute for good citizens (Yale University Press) where the issues raised here are more fully explored, and is one the authors of The Economy, a free online introduction to economics by the Curriculum Open Access Resources for Economics (CORE) Project ( He is the author of Microeconomics: Behavior, Institutions, and Evolution, and coauthor with Herbert Gintis of A Cooperative Species: Human reciprocity and its evolution. In addition to the usual economics journals his research appears in Science, Nature, Behavior and Brain Science, Current Anthropology, Journal of Theoretical Biology, and Philosophy and Public Affairs. He has also advised Senator Robert Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, President Nelson Mandela and members of the New Mexico state legislature on economic policy.



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