Miguel A Rozo

Global Shaper, Vancouver Hub

Miguel's background spans international relations, entrepreneurship and advocacy. He's the founder and former director of IdeasXChange, a Canadian youth social innovation initiative he led for three years (2015-18) before pivoting to international affairs.

Forcibly displaced as a child in Colombia, he has now called Canada home for many years. He's a TEDx speaker, former Canadian delegate to the 2017 G7 Youth Summit (Y7), an UNLEASH global talent, Climate Reality Leader, and a member of the Global Shapers Community. Most recently, he spoke on post-pandemic recovery and restoring trust at the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, and alongside the UN General Assembly in New York with the FII Institute.
He's the co-chair of the Davos Lab, an initiative that produced the world's first youth-driven recovery plan and reached over 2 million people by mobilizing young people around the world through global dialogues and surveys in more than 150 cities and 180 countries to shape a more inclusive recovery.

His policy background spans across Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (GAC), the United Nations (UNDP), the B.C. Ministry of Health, consulting research in Silicon Valley, and now as a consultant with the Global Environment Facility (GEF), which is part of the World Bank Group.

He speaks English and Spanish fluently, along with intermediate German and French. Personal site: www.miguelrozo.com.



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