Marianna Baggio

Policy Analyst - Behavioural Insights, Joint Research Centre (JRC)

Marianna Baggio currently works as a Policy Analyst at the Competence Centre for Behavioural Insights of the JRC (Joint Research Centre, the European Commission's science and knowledge service).
She holds a PhD in Economics and Management from the University of Trento (2015), specializing in behavioural economics with a thesis on International and Intergenerational Public Goods. Prior to joining the European Commission she was anEvidence-Based Policy Post-Doc at the University Vita-Salute San Raffaele (Milan) and then at the University of Trento. She has worked on a range of research projects in the areas of health, green energy, charitable giving, voting and impact finance.
Other than experimental and behavioural economics, she also has expertise in ethics and corporate social responsibility in morally challenged industries (armaments, tobacco, and alcohol).



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