已发布: 10 九月 2014

White Paper on Business Sustainability: What it is and why it matters

This joint statement on business sustainability is the product of a collective effort by seven Global Agenda Councils. It draws on their expertise to set forth an integrated view of business sustainability. The statement aims to help shape the Forum’s ongoing consideration of the development of sustainable business models and practices. It can also serve as a resource for businesses, governments, civil society and other actors seeking to incorporate understandings of sustainability into their business decisions and models.

This joint statement on business sustainability is the product of a collective effort by seven Global Agenda Councils. It draws on their expertise to set forth an integrated view of business sustainability. The statement aims to help shape the Forum’s ongoing consideration of the development of sustainable business models and practices. It can also serve as a resource for businesses, governments, civil society and other actors seeking to incorporate understandings of sustainability into their business decisions and models.


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