已发布: 9 一月 2024

The Rise of Global Digital Jobs

This white paper identifies the jobs most conducive to global work and estimates the size of global digital jobs. The paper sets the stage for future discussions on strategies to create a successful and equitable global digital workforce and calls for leaders and policy-makers to prepare for the future of work.

This white paper identifies the jobs most conducive to global work and estimates the size of global digital jobs. The paper sets the stage for future discussions on strategies to create a successful and equitable global digital workforce and calls for leaders and policy-makers to prepare for the future of work.

With the expansion of digital access and the normalization of remote work, a wide array of jobs, from high-income software developers to lower-income customer service roles, are increasingly able to be performed online.

This shift opens opportunities for employers and workers alike, particularly for lower-income countries with expanding working-age populations and higher-income countries facing labour shortages. Responsibly managing this opportunity could unlock worldwide talent, offering growth opportunities across various income levels.


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