已发布: 3 七月 2023

The Chairperson’s Guide to Climate Integrity: Earning and Enhancing Trust through the Sustainability Transition

In collaboration with Deloitte and the Climate Governance Initiative

In collaboration with Deloitte and the Climate Governance Initiative

Trust and integrity are at the core of human interactions and relationships – and business is no different. Environmental challenges are increasingly the focal point of gaining stakeholder trust. With expectations evolving in scope and intensity, businesses must respond more quickly, diligently and authentically to climate change and nature loss.

As company stewards, board members have the responsibility to stay informed of the growing stakeholder expectations of their organization’s climate and sustainability practices. This paper explores the common risks and pressures businesses are facing in light of the sustainability transition. Learn how company board members can create resilience by ensuring the integrity of – and trust in – the climate actions of their organizations.


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