已发布: 20 一月 2009

Sustainability for Tomorrow’s Consumer

Companies that take the lead on sustainability will be market makers rather than market takers. By showing the consumer that there is no need to sacrifice price and quality for sustainability, tomorrow’s successful businesses will meaningfully engage the next two billion consumers, the largest new market the world has ever known. In doing so, they will secure stronger markets and a better business tomorrow. Politicians and governments are looking for ways to regulate a better world and price externalities without compromising development or living standards. If business can build sustainability without compromise to the consumer and voter, they will pave the way for better and more welcome regulation.

Companies that take the lead on sustainability will be market makers rather than market takers. By showing the consumer that there is no need to sacrifice price and quality for sustainability, tomorrow’s successful businesses will meaningfully engage the next two billion consumers, the largest new market the world has ever known. In doing so, they will secure stronger markets and a better business tomorrow. Politicians and governments are looking for ways to regulate a better world and price externalities without compromising development or living standards. If business can build sustainability without compromise to the consumer and voter, they will pave the way for better and more welcome regulation.


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