已发布: 18 一月 2011

Supply Chain Decarbonization

Significant movement is expected towards reduced supply chain carbon intensity. This will create both opportunities and risks for logistics and transport firms, with changes in supply and demand driven by:Regulation of carbon emissionsHigher and more volatile fuel pricesEvolving consumer and client demandThe sector can play an influential role in decarbonization, both in its own operations and through broader supply chain optimisation. This provides direct benefits through reduced costs, managed risks and business growth.

Significant movement is expected towards reduced supply chain carbon intensity. This will create both opportunities and risks for logistics and transport firms, with changes in supply and demand driven by:Regulation of carbon emissionsHigher and more volatile fuel pricesEvolving consumer and client demandThe sector can play an influential role in decarbonization, both in its own operations and through broader supply chain optimisation. This provides direct benefits through reduced costs, managed risks and business growth.


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