已发布: 20 十一月 2009

SlimCity: A Cross-Industry Public-Private Initiative on Urban Sustainability

SlimCity is a World Economic Forum Industry Partnership initiative that provides a risk-free marketplace for cities and the private sector to exchange best practices and deliver resource efficiency within cities worldwide. The focus of this exchange is on the sustainable development of all aspects of a city to achieve reduced carbon emissions and increased resource efficiency across all sectors, and involves the following industries: chemicals, engineering & construction, energy, information technologies, mobility, and real estate.

SlimCity is a World Economic Forum Industry Partnership initiative that provides a risk-free marketplace for cities and the private sector to exchange best practices and deliver resource efficiency within cities worldwide. The focus of this exchange is on the sustainable development of all aspects of a city to achieve reduced carbon emissions and increased resource efficiency across all sectors, and involves the following industries: chemicals, engineering & construction, energy, information technologies, mobility, and real estate.


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