已发布: 15 一月 2024

Shaping Cooperation in a Fragmenting World

At a time when conflict and competition are on the rise and urgent global challenges demand collective solutions, this white paper offers guidance on what global cooperation can look like in a turbulent era.

At a time when conflict and competition are on the rise and urgent global challenges demand collective solutions, this white paper offers guidance on what global cooperation can look like in a turbulent era.

Developed by the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on the Future of Geopolitics – an interdisciplinary group of experts from the public and private sectors – the white paper delves into four areas where greater cooperation is both necessary and possible: enhancing global security, driving equitable climate action, regulating emerging technologies, and shaping a more sustainable trade system.

The insights represent the diverse perspectives of its authors, underscoring the importance of multistakeholder engagement in shaping a resilient future.


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