已发布: 23 一月 2013

Scenarios for the Russian Federation

The Scenarios for the Russian Federation were developed through a strategic dialogue process engaging over 350 business, policy and academic leaders throughout 2012. The report focuses on possible future pathways for the Russian economy and presents three different scenarios.Each scenario is aimed at challenging conventional wisdom and questioning existing assumptions about Russia\'s economic future. The purpose of these scenarios is to support quality long-term policy and strategy decisions. They were a central focus of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 in Davos-Klosters, as well as the subject of further strategic dialogues.Building on the scenarios for the Russia Federation, the Russia’s Regions: Drivers of Growth initiative explores best practices for business environment reforms in Russia’s regions. It highlights regional differences in ease of doing business, success factors in improving the business climate and their impact on economic growth in those regions.Download the report  

The Scenarios for the Russian Federation were developed through a strategic dialogue process engaging over 350 business, policy and academic leaders throughout 2012. The report focuses on possible future pathways for the Russian economy and presents three different scenarios.Each scenario is aimed at challenging conventional wisdom and questioning existing assumptions about Russia\'s economic future. The purpose of these scenarios is to support quality long-term policy and strategy decisions. They were a central focus of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2013 in Davos-Klosters, as well as the subject of further strategic dialogues.Building on the scenarios for the Russia Federation, the Russia’s Regions: Drivers of Growth initiative explores best practices for business environment reforms in Russia’s regions. It highlights regional differences in ease of doing business, success factors in improving the business climate and their impact on economic growth in those regions.Download the report  


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