已发布: 30 七月 2020

Redesigning Data Privacy: Reimagining Notice & Consent for human technology interaction

The way in which we as people interact with technology is continuously evolving. When the permissions people grant to companies and organizations at one point in time become the gateway for everything that happens to that data in the future, that moment becomes extremely important, perhaps far beyond what could be envisaged. Given the ubiquity of data collection online and the necessity of technologies that enhance our lives but rely on that data, is there a better way to manage the relationship between people and technology?

The way in which we as people interact with technology is continuously evolving. When the permissions people grant to companies and organizations at one point in time become the gateway for everything that happens to that data in the future, that moment becomes extremely important, perhaps far beyond what could be envisaged. Given the ubiquity of data collection online and the necessity of technologies that enhance our lives but rely on that data, is there a better way to manage the relationship between people and technology?


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