已发布: 29 四月 2024

Realizing the Potential of Global Digital Jobs

This white paper builds on the January 2024 paper The Rise of Global Digital Jobs, identifying ways to make global digital jobs a reality.

This white paper builds on the January 2024 paper The Rise of Global Digital Jobs, identifying ways to make global digital jobs a reality.

Written in collaboration with Capgemini, the paper explores how global digital jobs can alleviate labour shortages and connect skilled workers from regions with surplus to those with labour shortages. It identifies key challenges – technological infrastructure, policies and perceptions, and workforce skills – and offers strategies to overcome these barriers, including public-private partnerships and technology investments. Additionally, it outlines risks like technology malfunctions and work conditions, proposing solutions to facilitate a sustainable global digital job market.

Aimed at policymakers, business leaders, and stakeholders, this paper serves as a guide to capitalizing on global digital jobs to enhance economic growth and employment opportunities worldwide.


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