已发布: 8 五月 2023

Private Market Impact Investing: A Turning Point

Impact investments – investments made with the intention of achieving positive, measurable social and environmental benefits while generating financial returns – can provide attractive risk-adjusted gains. These investments can create value for investors and contribute meaningful solutions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Impact investments – investments made with the intention of achieving positive, measurable social and environmental benefits while generating financial returns – can provide attractive risk-adjusted gains. These investments can create value for investors and contribute meaningful solutions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

This White Paper explores the impact fund market as it matures: the products on offer have increased, limited partners’ demand is accelerating, and the industry is beginning to converge on best practices and means of management and measurement. The growing opportunities in impact investing mean large-scale investors can help drive greater real-world improvements with a positive impact on people and the planet.


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