已发布: 18 五月 2022

Medicine from the Sky, India: How Drones Can Make Primary Healthcare Accessible to All

The Indian state of Telangana has been a pioneer in the adoption of emerging technologies. With the recent completion of India’s first organized medical drone-delivery programme under the country’s liberalized drone economy, this Medicine from the Sky insight report has been compiled to outline how India’s incumbent healthcare infrastructure can be future-proofed using unmanned aerial systems.

The Indian state of Telangana has been a pioneer in the adoption of emerging technologies. With the recent completion of India’s first organized medical drone-delivery programme under the country’s liberalized drone economy, this Medicine from the Sky insight report has been compiled to outline how India’s incumbent healthcare infrastructure can be future-proofed using unmanned aerial systems.

The pilot programme witnessed the first-ever long-range delivery of vaccines using drones in Asia. Eight different consortia came together to demonstrate their capabilities in “drone enabling” the healthcare system. In partnership with the Government of Telangana, Apollo Hospitals HealthNet Global and the NITI Aayog, Government of India’s apex think tank, the World Economic Forum has explored various aspects of the programme from conceptualization through to implementation. The report also provides insights and points to consider when designing a drone programme.


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