已发布: 19 一月 2015

Maximizing Healthy Life Years: Investments that Pay Off

In times of economic uncertainty and slow growth, it is more important than ever for economies to find alternative ways to gain a competitive advantage. Healthy populations can be the solution. Through increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs and overall higher levels of well-being, investments in the health system yield a proven return in terms of health outcomes and economic growth.Developed by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Bain & Company, this report provides a pragmatic approach to assessing the full range of costs and benefits societies face when maximizing healthy life years. By showcasing the ROI results of specific public and private stakeholder interventions, this report aims to shift the global debate from healthy populations as a cost to healthy populations as an investment with positive health and economic returns.

In times of economic uncertainty and slow growth, it is more important than ever for economies to find alternative ways to gain a competitive advantage. Healthy populations can be the solution. Through increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs and overall higher levels of well-being, investments in the health system yield a proven return in terms of health outcomes and economic growth.Developed by the World Economic Forum in collaboration with Bain & Company, this report provides a pragmatic approach to assessing the full range of costs and benefits societies face when maximizing healthy life years. By showcasing the ROI results of specific public and private stakeholder interventions, this report aims to shift the global debate from healthy populations as a cost to healthy populations as an investment with positive health and economic returns.


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