已发布: 8 六月 2023

Living Longer, Better: Understanding Longevity Literacy

As people live longer than at any other point in history, it is essential for business, government, and individuals to rethink their approach to planning for later life.

As people live longer than at any other point in history, it is essential for business, government, and individuals to rethink their approach to planning for later life.

Using the concept of longevity literacy, stakeholders can focus on three pillars – quality of life, purpose, and financial resilience – to start reimagining what a sustainable and fulfilling long life and retirement can look like. The World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Mercer, focuses on this topic in a new publication titled Living Longer, Better: Understanding Longevity Literacy. This report shares insights from a unique Pulse Poll, which examines how individuals perceive ageing and retirement. Moreover, it provides a set of concrete actions that every stakeholder – individuals, business, and government – can take to address the three dimensions of longevity literacy and be successful in a potentially 100-year life.


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