已发布: 8 四月 2019

Inclusive Deployment of Blockchain for Supply Chains: Part 1 – Introduction

Distributed ledger and blockchain technology promise to have far-reaching implications for global trade and supply chains. However, the extent to which this new technology realizes its potential depends upon how well supply chain actors steward this development. To that end, the World Economic Forum has convened a multi-stakeholder community to design a framework to guide decision-making towards inclusivity, interoperability, and integrity. This highlights the most pressing concerns of a wide group of supply-chain decision-makers with blockchain deployment. It is the starting point for a series of white papers and the framework.

Distributed ledger and blockchain technology promise to have far-reaching implications for global trade and supply chains. However, the extent to which this new technology realizes its potential depends upon how well supply chain actors steward this development. To that end, the World Economic Forum has convened a multi-stakeholder community to design a framework to guide decision-making towards inclusivity, interoperability, and integrity. This highlights the most pressing concerns of a wide group of supply-chain decision-makers with blockchain deployment. It is the starting point for a series of white papers and the framework.

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