已发布: 2 十二月 2009

Governments as shareholders: navigating the challenges of newly held interests in financial institutions

This working paper, written in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, discusses the issue of managing and resolving governments’ newly acquired equity interests in financial institutions. With over US$ 700 billion of taxpayers\' money invested, the wrong choices – in policy objectives, management strategy, or emphasis in execution – could cost taxpayers billions of dollars and have long-term implications for the stability of the global financial architecture.

This working paper, written in collaboration with Oliver Wyman, discusses the issue of managing and resolving governments’ newly acquired equity interests in financial institutions. With over US$ 700 billion of taxpayers\' money invested, the wrong choices – in policy objectives, management strategy, or emphasis in execution – could cost taxpayers billions of dollars and have long-term implications for the stability of the global financial architecture.


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