作者: Deloitte 和 Forum Agenda
已发布: 7 十一月 2023

Governing Smart Cities: Use Cases for Urban Transformation

This report profiles pilot governance and policy programmes for responsible and ethical technology adoption in Mexico City, Tsukuba and Istanbul.

This report profiles pilot governance and policy programmes for responsible and ethical technology adoption in Mexico City, Tsukuba and Istanbul.

Many smart cities still lack the basic governance and policies needed to ensure the adoption of technology in a responsible and ethical way. The G20 Global Smart Cities Alliance has helped cities leapfrog these challenges by publishing seven model policies in high-priority areas. The programmes highlighted in this report tackle three different policy challenges related to making data available to the public, ensuring privacy and enabling greater accessibility.

Since developing model policies is just the first step, the alliance is also developing regional networks in Japan, South-East Asia, India and Latin America to support city leaders in implementing and tailoring these policies to suit the local context.


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