已发布: 7 三月 2012

Global Education Initiative - Retrospective on Partnerships for Education Development 2003-2011

Conceived in 2003 with a mission to help make national education systems more relevant, sustainable and scalable, the Global Education Initiative (GEI) launched initiatives in Jordan, Rajasthan, Egypt and the Palestinian Territories, forged new partnerships and structures with multilateral organizations and released a groundbreaking report on entrepreneurship education. The Retrospective on Partnerships for Education Development report looks back on the GEI with a focus on lessons learned and the key success factors required for successful large-scale partnerships in education development. The GEI completed its term as an active Forum initiative in 2011.

Conceived in 2003 with a mission to help make national education systems more relevant, sustainable and scalable, the Global Education Initiative (GEI) launched initiatives in Jordan, Rajasthan, Egypt and the Palestinian Territories, forged new partnerships and structures with multilateral organizations and released a groundbreaking report on entrepreneurship education. The Retrospective on Partnerships for Education Development report looks back on the GEI with a focus on lessons learned and the key success factors required for successful large-scale partnerships in education development. The GEI completed its term as an active Forum initiative in 2011.


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