已发布: 18 一月 2022

Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2022

The first Global Cybersecurity Outlook flagship report identifies the trends and analyzes the near-term future cybersecurity challenges. The accelerated shift to remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with recent high-profile cyberattacks have resulted in bringing cybersecurity top of mind among key decision-makers in organizations and nations.

The first Global Cybersecurity Outlook flagship report identifies the trends and analyzes the near-term future cybersecurity challenges. The accelerated shift to remote working during the COVID-19 pandemic coupled with recent high-profile cyberattacks have resulted in bringing cybersecurity top of mind among key decision-makers in organizations and nations.

Much still needs to be done to arrive at a shared understanding of how to strengthen cyber resilience. The aim of this report is to provide an in-depth analysis of the challenges that security leaders are dealing with, the approaches they are taking to stay ahead of cybercriminals and the measures they are implementing to enhance cyber resilience not only within their organizations but also within the wider ecosystem.


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