已发布: 4 三月 2008

The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009

This year’s Global Competitiveness Report is being released at a time of multiple shocks to the global economy. The subprime mortgage crisis and the ensuing credit crunch, combined with rising inflation worldwide and the consequent slowdown in demand in many advanced economies, has engendered significant uncertainty about the short-term outlook for the world economy. Global growth is slowing, and it is not yet clear when the effects of the present crisis will subside.This Report remains our flagship publication within our Global Competitiveness Network, which groups a number of research studies that truly mirror the increased integration and complexity of the world economy. 

This year’s Global Competitiveness Report is being released at a time of multiple shocks to the global economy. The subprime mortgage crisis and the ensuing credit crunch, combined with rising inflation worldwide and the consequent slowdown in demand in many advanced economies, has engendered significant uncertainty about the short-term outlook for the world economy. Global growth is slowing, and it is not yet clear when the effects of the present crisis will subside.This Report remains our flagship publication within our Global Competitiveness Network, which groups a number of research studies that truly mirror the increased integration and complexity of the world economy. 


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