已发布: 30 六月 2022

Future Focus 2025: Pathways for Progress from the Network of Global Future Councils 2020–2022

Future Focus 2025: Pathways for Progress from the Network of Global Future Councils 2020-2022 offers a positive and inspiring agenda around which a sustainable and inclusive recovery can be built. It is an important guide for the partnerships and policies needed to address economic, environmental, social and technological challenges and opportunities through to 2025.

Future Focus 2025: Pathways for Progress from the Network of Global Future Councils 2020-2022 offers a positive and inspiring agenda around which a sustainable and inclusive recovery can be built. It is an important guide for the partnerships and policies needed to address economic, environmental, social and technological challenges and opportunities through to 2025.

Authored by the Forum’s expert-led Global Future Councils convened from October 2020 to June 2022, this report covers four thematic areas where important transitions and essential action are required to drive progress: the economy, environment, society and technology. It is not intended as a blueprint but rather as a framework around which a positive and inspiring agenda can be built.


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