已发布: 4 十一月 2010

The Financial Development Report 2010

The United States and the United Kingdom managed to take the top spots despite stagnant or weakening scores in the World Economic Forum’s third annual Financial Development Report released today. Weak scores in financial stability for both countries appeared to impact the United Kingdom more with an appreciable decline in its overall score and a drop from the top spot in last year’s rankings. Their rankings were supported by greater relative declines in other countries’ scores. The scores for Asian financial centres Hong Kong and Singapore advanced to close their distance from the two leaders: both improved slightly, earning them 3rd and 4th place respectively. They had high marks for their robust institutional and business environments and a high degree of financial system stability. 

The United States and the United Kingdom managed to take the top spots despite stagnant or weakening scores in the World Economic Forum’s third annual Financial Development Report released today. Weak scores in financial stability for both countries appeared to impact the United Kingdom more with an appreciable decline in its overall score and a drop from the top spot in last year’s rankings. Their rankings were supported by greater relative declines in other countries’ scores. The scores for Asian financial centres Hong Kong and Singapore advanced to close their distance from the two leaders: both improved slightly, earning them 3rd and 4th place respectively. They had high marks for their robust institutional and business environments and a high degree of financial system stability. 


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