已发布: 17 十一月 2023

Facilitating Global Interoperability of Cyber Regulations in the Electricity Sector

This position paper on cybersecurity in the electricity sector advocates for interoperability among nations to cultivate a secure, resilient and standardized approach globally.

This position paper on cybersecurity in the electricity sector advocates for interoperability among nations to cultivate a secure, resilient and standardized approach globally.

The evolution of technology has reshaped the electricity industry, ushering in smarter grids, integration of renewable energy and improved operational efficiencies. However, a new set of challenges has emerged, particularly in safeguarding these intricate systems from cyber threats. The increasing interdependencies among power systems across borders and the escalating sophistication of cyberattacks underscore the necessity of a harmonized, global approach to cybersecurity regulations in the electricity sector.

The Systems of Cyber Resilience: Electricity initiative of the World Economic Forum has scrutinized the current landscape of cyber regulations to tackle existing gaps and complexities, and in this paper, proposes collective positions on behalf of the sector to standardize cybersecurity practices across diverse regulatory environments.


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