已发布: 1 七月 2019

Empowering 8 Billion Minds: Enabling Better Mental Health for All via the Ethical Adoption of Technologies

The Forum’s Global Future Council on Neurotechnologies highlights the role technology is now playing in helping to address mental health concerns, mapping the areas for special focus and highlighting the ethical considerations for governments, policy makers and health leaders.The Council urges governments, policy-makers, business leaders and practitioners to address the barriers keeping effective treatments from those who need them, which include ethical considerations and a lack of evidence-based research. The report outlines eight actions that will enable technology to ethically address mental ill-health at scale.

The Forum’s Global Future Council on Neurotechnologies highlights the role technology is now playing in helping to address mental health concerns, mapping the areas for special focus and highlighting the ethical considerations for governments, policy makers and health leaders.The Council urges governments, policy-makers, business leaders and practitioners to address the barriers keeping effective treatments from those who need them, which include ethical considerations and a lack of evidence-based research. The report outlines eight actions that will enable technology to ethically address mental ill-health at scale.


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