已发布: 16 一月 2024

EDISON Alliance Impact Report

This report showcases the tangible actions and partnerships catalyzed through the EDISON Alliance, highlighting the progress made and the critical need for continued commitment to achieving universal digital inclusion as a fundamental enabler of the Sustainable Development Goals.

This report showcases the tangible actions and partnerships catalyzed through the EDISON Alliance, highlighting the progress made and the critical need for continued commitment to achieving universal digital inclusion as a fundamental enabler of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Since its inception during the COVID-19 pandemic, the alliance has ignited a transformative movement towards universal digital inclusion. With a staggering 2.6 billion people still offline, the alliance has set an ambitious goal to enhance the lives of 1 billion people by 2025 through affordable and accessible digital solutions in education, financial services and healthcare.

The alliance serves as a unique platform for fostering cross-sectoral partnerships and accelerating digital inclusion efforts, focusing on pioneering pathways, frameworks and tools to drive change. This impact report celebrates a significant milestone: as of January 2024, 320 initiatives by EDISON partners have reached 784 million people across 127 countries.


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