已发布: 6 十月 2020

Cyber Information Sharing: Building Collective Security

Cybersecurity is one of the most systemically important issues facing the world today. Cyber information sharing is critical to helping better collective security in the digital ecosystem in which society increasingly relies. Cyber information sharing, however, faces multiple barriers. New technology, among other interventions, promises to overcome these barriers. Action is required to make sure that information sharing can continue to be an enabler of the strategic driver of the global cybersecurity community; the need to move from individual resilience to collective resilience.

Cybersecurity is one of the most systemically important issues facing the world today. Cyber information sharing is critical to helping better collective security in the digital ecosystem in which society increasingly relies. Cyber information sharing, however, faces multiple barriers. New technology, among other interventions, promises to overcome these barriers. Action is required to make sure that information sharing can continue to be an enabler of the strategic driver of the global cybersecurity community; the need to move from individual resilience to collective resilience.


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