已发布: 17 一月 2014

Collaborating for Healthy Living: From Bottlenecks to Solutions

To help lay the groundwork for successful multistakeholder collaborations for healthy living, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Bain & Company, has produced the insights brief “Collaborating for Healthy Living: From Bottlenecks to Solutions”. The objective of this brief is to highlight the key bottlenecks in multistakeholder collaboration for Healthy Living, and to provide workable solutions for overcoming them. The report provides practical guidelines for making multistakeholder collaborations successful on the ground (using a “five star” framework for multistakeholder collaboration) and creating a global environment conducive to collaboration (the five “Critical Enablers”). Read the Healthy Living Toolkit for Joint ActionRead the Annex for Healthy Living Toolkit

To help lay the groundwork for successful multistakeholder collaborations for healthy living, the World Economic Forum, in collaboration with Bain & Company, has produced the insights brief “Collaborating for Healthy Living: From Bottlenecks to Solutions”. The objective of this brief is to highlight the key bottlenecks in multistakeholder collaboration for Healthy Living, and to provide workable solutions for overcoming them. The report provides practical guidelines for making multistakeholder collaborations successful on the ground (using a “five star” framework for multistakeholder collaboration) and creating a global environment conducive to collaboration (the five “Critical Enablers”). Read the Healthy Living Toolkit for Joint ActionRead the Annex for Healthy Living Toolkit


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