已发布: 30 十一月 2020

Closing the Skills Gap: Key Insights and Success Metrics

Closing the Skills Gap: Key Insights and Success Metrics provides an overview of learnings from the World Economic Forum’s Closing the Skills Gap 2020 project. It summarizes the endeavour to uncover where, in a landscape of often divergent efforts, there is an opportunity for collective action to strengthen reskilling and upskilling initiatives. It includes case studies and lessons learned from various industries, impacting a range of stakeholder groups in multiple geographies. The white paper also details the project’s successful completion and integration into the World Economic Forum’s Reskilling Revolution Platform.

Closing the Skills Gap: Key Insights and Success Metrics provides an overview of learnings from the World Economic Forum’s Closing the Skills Gap 2020 project. It summarizes the endeavour to uncover where, in a landscape of often divergent efforts, there is an opportunity for collective action to strengthen reskilling and upskilling initiatives. It includes case studies and lessons learned from various industries, impacting a range of stakeholder groups in multiple geographies. The white paper also details the project’s successful completion and integration into the World Economic Forum’s Reskilling Revolution Platform.


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