已发布: 30 九月 2013

The Business Case for Migration

Globalization has made the free flow of goods and ideas an integral part of modern life. The world has benefited greatly from the accelerated exchange of products, services, news, music, research and much more. Human mobility, on the other hand, remains the unfinished business of globalization. Migration policy and cooperation frameworks struggle to address the push-pull forces of migration and the cascading effects that migration has on communities of origin and destination.In October 2013, the United Nations will host the II High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development. The meeting comes at an important time for migration policy. It is an occasion to take stock of the evolution of migration patterns, to re-examine existing conceptual frameworks and to renew cooperation. The High-Level Dialogue is also an opportunity to debate new ideas which can shape future migration policies.

Globalization has made the free flow of goods and ideas an integral part of modern life. The world has benefited greatly from the accelerated exchange of products, services, news, music, research and much more. Human mobility, on the other hand, remains the unfinished business of globalization. Migration policy and cooperation frameworks struggle to address the push-pull forces of migration and the cascading effects that migration has on communities of origin and destination.In October 2013, the United Nations will host the II High Level Dialogue on Migration and Development. The meeting comes at an important time for migration policy. It is an occasion to take stock of the evolution of migration patterns, to re-examine existing conceptual frameworks and to renew cooperation. The High-Level Dialogue is also an opportunity to debate new ideas which can shape future migration policies.


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