已发布: 30 九月 2013

Automotive - Governors Meeting 2013

The theme of this year’s Annual Meeting, Resilient Dynamism, also reflects the spirit of the Automotive Governors discussions in the current industry context. The industry must actively re-shape its structure and rebuild its resilience to counter the difficult market conditions in Europe. At the same time, Automotive executives need to prepare for an ever more dynamic and complex operating environment driven by new and evolving customer mindsets, Big Data capabilities and hyperconnectivity. This year’s Governors Meeting provided an open and interactive platform to actively shape the industry agenda by engaging the relevant stakeholders on the key issues.On behalf of the World Economic Forum, we would like to thank the Automotive Governors for their participation in the Annual Meeting 2013 and this year’s Automotive Governors Meeting.

The theme of this year’s Annual Meeting, Resilient Dynamism, also reflects the spirit of the Automotive Governors discussions in the current industry context. The industry must actively re-shape its structure and rebuild its resilience to counter the difficult market conditions in Europe. At the same time, Automotive executives need to prepare for an ever more dynamic and complex operating environment driven by new and evolving customer mindsets, Big Data capabilities and hyperconnectivity. This year’s Governors Meeting provided an open and interactive platform to actively shape the industry agenda by engaging the relevant stakeholders on the key issues.On behalf of the World Economic Forum, we would like to thank the Automotive Governors for their participation in the Annual Meeting 2013 and this year’s Automotive Governors Meeting.


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