已发布: 22 十月 2011

Arab World Competitiveness Report 2011-2012

This fourth edition of The Arab World Competitiveness Report is published at a critical time. The important changes taking place in North Africa and the Middle East have brought to light a number of socio- economic challenges—such as youth unemployment, regional inequalities, corruption, weak institutions, limited entrepreneurship, and the need to advance the role of women in the economy — that must be addressed if the aspirations of the region\'s citizens are to be met.This joint Report, which continues the successful collaboration of our two organizations, is a contribution to understanding the key factors determining future prosperity and economic growth in the Arab world at this critical juncture. It offers policymakers and business leaders an important tool in formulating improved economic policies and institutional reforms.

This fourth edition of The Arab World Competitiveness Report is published at a critical time. The important changes taking place in North Africa and the Middle East have brought to light a number of socio- economic challenges—such as youth unemployment, regional inequalities, corruption, weak institutions, limited entrepreneurship, and the need to advance the role of women in the economy — that must be addressed if the aspirations of the region\'s citizens are to be met.This joint Report, which continues the successful collaboration of our two organizations, is a contribution to understanding the key factors determining future prosperity and economic growth in the Arab world at this critical juncture. It offers policymakers and business leaders an important tool in formulating improved economic policies and institutional reforms.


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